Tuesday, February 16, 2016

WSO2 App Manager - Anonymous App support

WSO2 AppM - Working with Anonymous Apps

Does WSO2 AppM support App access support for anonymous users?

Yes, when publishing an App you can define it as an anonymous access allowed App.
Also there is a option to make particular resources anonymously accessible in a non anonymous App,

Option 1:
Lets say we have App called 'wso2-site' where the backend is www.wso2.com
We can make the complete App anonymous by selecting a single tick.

Option 2:
Let say we have a App called   'wso2-site' where the backend is www.wso2.com.
This App required authentication(anonymous access is not allowed) but, we need to give access to a particular resource (eg: http://wso2.com/contact/). WSO2 AppM supports this requirement.

How to publish an anonymous App?

  • Login to publisher and click on 'Add New Web Application'
  • Create an App selecting the  'Allow Anonymous Access' option under (Policies > Global Policies)
  • Access the store as an anonymous user (without login). User should be able to access the App without authentication

How to publish a non-anonymous App with anonymous resources?

  • Login to publisher and click on 'Add New Web Application'
  • 'Allow Anonymous Access' option under (Policies > Global Policies) should be un ticked

  • Click on 'Add New Resource' button under 'Resource Policies' tab

  • Need to create a policy group with 'Allow Anonymous Access' option set as 'true'
  • Add relevant anonymously allowed resource patterns and assign anonymous policy group

  • If user assign the anonymous policy group to all the resources, the App itself will act as an anonymous App. 
  • Similarly user can assign policy group to a HTTP verb wise as well (Eg: make all GET operations anonymously allowed but restrict DELETE operations)

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