Sunday, February 28, 2016

WSO2 App Manager - How to Create a Web Application

WSO2 App Manager - Web Application Creation end user configuration guide

In this post I'm trying to discuss the configuration options available in creating a WebApp.

To create a Web Application you need to log into publisher with an user who has the "Internal/creator" (or "admin") Role.

URL: http://<IP_ADDRESS>:9763/publisher

Login to Publisher > Click on Web Applications >  Add New Web Application

Overview section

Overview Properties:
AuthorUsername of the user who publish the app
NameApplication name (for internal usage only)
Display NameApplication Display Name 
ContextURL Context
VersionVersion of the Application (eg: 1.0, 1.1, 2.0)
Make As Default VersionWhen creating a new Application this is always set as marked and later when you create another version of the same Application you can swap the default versions

(Please refer wso2-app-manager-multiple-versioning for more information)
TransportsTransport protocol (either HTTP or HTTPS)
Treat as a SiteIf you select this, the published App will be act as a Site. (WSO2 AppM supports 3 type of Application types. WebApps, Mobile Apps and Sites) 
Web App URLBack end actual URL of the Application (eg:
DescriptionDescription about the Application
ThumbnailYou can browse the image of the Thumbnail to be displayed
BannerYou can browse the image of the Banner to be displayed
TagsYou can define multiple tags against each application which will be useful when searching Apps by keywords (eg: HR, Educational, Engineering, etc)

Policies Section

Under Policies we have 2 main categories:
  • Global Policies : Global Policies are applied agains an Application
  • Resource Policies: Resource Policies are applied agains the selected resource patterns of an Application

Global Policies

Global Policy properties:
Allow Anonymous AccessMake the whole App anonymously accessible. In the Store, users will be able to access the app (all the resources  patterns inside the app) without login in.
Eg: We we mark as anonymous, users will be able to access any page inside (eg: , anonymously

(Please refer wso2-app-manager-anonymous-app-support for more information)
Skip Creating Proxying WebAppThis will skip the gateway. It will allow users to directly access the back end actual URL without going through the gateway(proxy). So in the Store - overview page it will show the actual back end URL
Restrict VisibilityConfiguration of Role Based Visibility in WSO2 AppM. You can specify the Roles which are eligible to access the App. So in the Store only Users with the particular Roles (and of course the users with Admin Role) will only be able access/view the App

(Please refer wso2-app-manager-role-based for more information)
Enable Single LogoutYou can define a custom Single Sign Out URL
Publish StatisticsEnable publishing statistics to BAM
Subscription AvailabilityControls the subscription availability. WSO2 AppM allow users to subscribe to Apps in multiple tenants. Here you can control the subscription levels. 
There are 3 options available:
  • current_tenant : Only the users in current tenant will be eligible to subscribe
  • all_tenants : Users in all tenants will be eligible to subscribe
  • specific_tenants : Users in specified tenants will be eligible to subscribe

Resource Policies

Resource policies are applied agains selected resource patterns in an application. 
When you need to apply several restrictions to some particular resource in a app you this will be useful.

You have as your back end but you need to add a throttling policy to a certain page (lets say to limit access, Resource policies will be needful.

WSO2 AppM supported Resource based Policy types:
  • Throttling : Controls/restrict the concurrent requests
  • Anonymous Access: Allow users to anonymously access the resource pattern(s)
  • Role based Restrictions: Grant access to users with selected Role(s)
  • XACML policies (Entitlement policies): You can define XACML based authorization policies and apply against resource pattern(s) 

There are two steps you need to follow:
  • Define a Policy Group with required policy combination
  • Apply the Policy Group against each Resource Pattern

When you are creating a new Application a default Policy Group with below default policy combinations are created by default. You can either change the properties or create new policy groups according to your requirement.

Default Policy Group settings:
  • Throttling : Unlimited
  • Anonymous Access: False
  • Role based Restrictions: None
  • XACML policies (Entitlement policies): None

To create a Policy Group:
Expand Policies > Resource Policies  and click on "Add new Resource Policy" button.

Resources based Policy properties:
Resource Policy NameName of the policy Group
DescriptionDescription about the policy group
Apply Throttling TierSelect a Throttling Tier from available Tiers (Unlimited/ Gold/ Silver/ Bronze)

Default concurrent access limits are:

  • Unlimited: Unlimited no of accesses
  • Gold: 20
  • Silver: 5
  • Bronze: 1

For the Anonymous users throttling tier will not be applied and it always be unlimited.

(Technical tip: You can customerize the tier setting as per your requirement by altering the tiers.xml file in /_system/governance/appmgt/applicationdata/ registry location)
Allow Anonymous AccessTrue/False
Select 'true'  to make the Resource pattern anonymously accessible

(Please refer wso2-app-manager-anonymous-app-support for more information)
Accessible User Roles Role based restriction for Resource patterns.
You can specify the Roles which are eligible to access the particular Resource Pattern. So in the Store only Users with the particular Roles (and of course the users with Admin Role) will only be able access/view the particular Resource Pattern

(Please refer wso2-app-manager-role-based for more information)
Entitlement PolicyYou can define a XACML Policy in the admin-dashboard and apply the policy here.

How to edit/delete policies in Policy Group?

Edit: Click on  icon to edit existing Policy Group details.  But the policy changes will be effective once the cache is reset.

Detele: Click on  icon to delete a Policy Group. It will only allow to delete the un assigned policy group(s) for any resource pattern.

How to assign a policy group to a particular resource pattern?

Under "Web Application Resources" section all the resource patterns will be listed in a grid view. 
And under "Resource policy" column you can choose the relevant policy group agains each resource pattern.

Web Application Resources Section

Navigate to "Web Application Resources" section. 

Here you can add multiple resource patterns and assign custom policies.

Web Application Resources properties:
URL PatternURL Pattern (Resource Pattern) is a sub domain or a page in side the actual endpoint of the Application.

Actual End point of the App:
URL Pattern1: register (refers
URL Pattern2: contact (refers

Resource Policy
Select the appropriate resource policy. By default, "Default" policy group is assigned to all patterns initially.

If you assign any policy group against /{context}/{version} /* it will be applicable for all the resources with the relevant HTTP Verb. 

URL Pattern:  /{context}/{version} /*
Resource Policy: Anonymous-Group

In this case the Anonymous-Group policies will be applicable for all the GET operations (all underneath URL Patterns as well).

So another URL pattern like below will be override the permissions for mentioned resources.
URL Pattern:  /{context}/{version} /register
Resource Policy: Default

How to add a new resource pattern? 
Type the URL Pattern, select the HTTP Verb and click on "Add Resource" button.
By default, the "Default" policy group will be assigned as Resource Policy and you can select the relevant Resource Policy from defined list.

Advanced Configuration Section


In this section you can add claims against the newly created application.

What is a Claim?
Here you can find details about what is a Claim, how to add new mappings and many more details.

A claim be use as a container to pass specific attributed to back end service via a JWT (

How to add Claims?

Select the required claim from the "Available Claims" drop down and click on "Add Claim" button.

OAuth2 Key Manager Configuration

OAuth2 Key manager configurations can be stored here.

What is it?
WSO2 AppM supports SAML SSO to authenticate an user. If your backend application uses internal OAuth API calls you can use this feature to use the same SAML token generated by WSO2 AppM gateway, and get an OAuth2 access token by calling the token endpoints used by these APIs. 

OAuth2 Key Manager Configuration properties:
API NameAlias for the API
API Consumer KeyConsumer Key of the OAuth API
API Consumer Secret
 Consumer Secret of the OAuth API
API Token Endpoint
URL of the token endpoint used by API

How to View the created WebApps and Sites

Once the WebApp/Site is Created successfully, it will be listed under Publisher listing page.
(Login to Publisher > Web Applications > All Web Applications)

WebApp/Site  Listing:

Edit an Application

To Edit the Apps you can simply navigate to app listing page and click on any app, do the changes and update.

Here you need to know that, you wont be able to change the app name,context and version.
If you need, you can change the display name. And if you need to change a version you can follow wso2-app-manager-multiple-versioning for more information.

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